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Newsletter Archive

The CreateDebate Newsletter is one way we keep our loyal debaters up to date as to what's going on with CreateDebate. Browse through past issues of the CreateDebate Newsletter by clicking on the links below. If you have any suggestions for what you'd like to see in the Newsletter, let us know.


Issue 6: October 1, 2008

CreateDebate 2008
What are you trying to decide?

The US Election is Only 32 Days Away

Do you know who you will have the opportunity to cast your vote for on November 4th? If not, head on over to CreateDebate 2008, enter your ZIP code, and you'll find debates about the candidates in your district. You can have your voice heard and influence other voters by arguing for your candidate, but you have to act fast as the election is rapidly approaching!

Please encourage your friends and family to have their voice heard and to vote on November 4th. You can ensure that they are informed voters by telling them about CreateDebate 2008.

New CreateDebate 2008 Widget

Are you looking for an easy way to incorporate CreateDebate 2008 on your blog, website or social network (such as Facebook) profile? Now you can, thanks to our new CreateDebate 2008 widget. Simply add the widget to any of the supported platforms and encourage your friends, family, and fans to become informed voters.

The Presidential & Vice Presidential Debates

Who do you think did the best job in the first Presidential Debate on Foreign Policy? The entire transcript of the debate is available on CreateDebate. Cast your vote for who you think had the best argument. If you prefer to add your own commentary on the debate or Favor or Oppose McCain or Obama's statements, check out this debate and share your opinion.

CreateDebate will be bringing you transcript of the upcoming debates as well, so be sure to check back often. In case you're not sure when the debates are, check out the information below.

September 26, 2008Obama vs. McCainClick here
October 2, 2008Biden vs. PalinNot Yet Available
October 7, 2008Obama vs. McCainNot Yet Available
October 15, 2008Obama vs. McCainNot Yet Available

4th Quarter Townhall

Several of you have expressed interest in holding a 4th Quarter CreateDebate Townhall meeting. Please post your thoughts on what subjects you'd like us to cover in the Townhall debate. We will be setting a date and time soon, so be on the lookout for more information to come in the near future.

Warm Regards,
The CreateDebate Team

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